Tuesday 21 June 2011

5 Help for Porn Addiction Tips

If you need some help for porn addiction because your porn habit has become out of control and is ruling your life, then pay attention to these 5 tips to break pornography addiction!
1. Not in Sight - Not a Problem
The most immediate trigger to set off a craving for porn is of course seeing pornography. If you have not managed to clear away any evidence of porn on your computer, or from your house, then you are just tempting yourself as you will find it - and you will be greatly tempted to use it. Take charge, and make sure your place is totally porn free! This is also a powerful motivator psychologically to start your journey to eliminate porn addiction from your life. Imagine if you were addicted to cigarettes, would you see keeping half a pack in the house even if you decided quitting is a good thing? Or would you see that as a hint that you are planning to fail...?
2. Stop Temptation
Even with all of your porn gone from your house and computer, it is very easy to find more porn as we all know. In fact, even when you are NOT looking for porn online - a missed click, a stray cursory glance at a website, a banner ad that catches your lustful attention - all these things can be dangerous. Try getting a porn blocker for your computer, and if possible get someone else to set the password on it to lock you out of any adult content just in case.
3. Create New and Healthy Habits
All the time you used to spend on your pornography habit must be filled with something else that is new and positive. If you do not find something to plug this hole in your life you will gravitate back to it like a rubber band stretched too long! A hobby, exercise, reading, social events, whatever makes you feel fulfilled and accomplished in some way is a good start to this. You need to reprogram your brain so porn viewing is not your default option in these situations and that it becomes something else. This can really help you break porn addiction!
4. Reward Yourself
These new habits have a physical manifestation in the brain we call neural pathways. They are out sets of behaviours we use throughout our lives that form our default patterns and actions. One way to make new pathways stronger, is to reward yourself as you cultivate these new ones. As you succeed in not using porn and swapping that time for other things, remember to reward yourself with something that you link to your success. This reward will to train your brain to want this new behaviour more than porn!
5. Get Help for Porn Addiction
Getting the right help for pornography addiction is quite a tough ask for many men and women who are stuck in this habit. The fear of being reviled, or ridiculed, even by your closest friends or family is strong. However, you may find that there are many sympathetic ears that are willing to listen and help. If you have a wife or girlfriend it can be hard to admit to them, but they can be powerful allies in your quest to break porn addiction. If you are religious you local religious leader is nearly always willing to listen and help too.

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